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BIOSUEFI keys by brand easy access to your PC settings (DELL, HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer...)

BIOS/UEFI keys by brand: easy access to your PC settings (DELL, HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer…)

When you need to modify advanced computer settings, such as boot order, Secure Boot activation or deactivation, or hardware component management, you need to enter the BIOS or UEFI. However, each manufacturer uses specific keys to access them.

In this article, we explain how to enter the BIOS/UEFI and list the access keys according to the main laptop and desktop manufacturers.

BIOS/UEFI keys by brand: easy access to your PC settings (DELL, HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer…)

What are BIOS and UEFI?

BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is the firmware used to manage hardware prior to operating system start-up. For several years now, it has been gradually replaced by UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), which features a more modern interface, better peripheral management and enhanced security. BIOS/UEFI access is essential for :

BIOS/UEFI is accessed by pressing a key immediately after PC power-up, before the Windows logo is displayed. This key varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Here’s a list of the most common keys by brand.

List of BIOS / UEFI access keys by manufacturer

ManufacturerBIOS/UEFI accessStart Menu access
AcerF2 or DeleteEsc, F12 or F9
AppleN/A (Use Option key at startup)N/A
ASUSF2 or DeleteF8 or Esc
CompaqF10Esc or F9
eMachinesDel or TabF12
HPF10, F1 or EscEsc or F9
IntelF10Varies by model
LenovoF1 or F2F12, F8 or F10
Microsoft SurfaceVolume down or Volume up buttonN/A
Packard BellF1 or SupprF8
SamsungF2F12 or Esc
SonyF1, F2, F3 or F10F11 or Esc
ToshibaF1 or EscF12

Access to BIOS or UEFI varies from one manufacturer to another, and sometimes even within the same brand, depending on the model of computer or motherboard. There is no universal standard defining a single key for access, which can complicate the procedure.

Rather than modifying the boot order directly in the BIOS, many manufacturers offer a Boot Menu accessible via a specific key (Esc, F8, F9, F10, F12 depending on the brand). This temporary menu allows you to manually select the boot device for a given session without permanently modifying the BIOS parameters. This option is very useful for occasional booting on external media (for example, to repair Windows or launch a Linux Live system).

BIOS access on Windows 11/10 PCs without dedicated keys, regardless of manufacturer

If your PC boots too quickly, or if the BIOS access key doesn’t work because of Secure Boot, you can access it directly from Windows by following these steps:

  1. Click on Start(Win + X) and select Settings.
  2. In the left-hand column, click on System.
Access Windows recovery options from Settings
Access Windows recovery options from Settings.
  1. Scroll down and select Recovery.
  2. In the Recovery options section, locate the Advanced startup option.
  3. Click on Restart now.
Advanced startup' to access BIOS/UEFI without using a startup key
This method allows you to access the BIOS even if Secure Boot blocks conventional access.
  1. Your PC will reboot and display a blue screen with several options.
  2. Click on Troubleshooting.
blue screen troubleshooting menu
This menu lets you access the BIOS, reset Windows or boot from another device.
  1. Select Advanced options.
paramètres UEFI via le menu avancé pour modifier les options du BIOS
  1. Click on UEFI firmware settings, then Restart.
Changer les paramètres du microprogramme UEFI pour entrer dans le BIOS
  1. The computer will restart directly from the BIOS/UEFI.

This method only works if your PC uses UEFI firmware.

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