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How do I set Google or another search engine as the default on my PC?

How do I set Google or another search engine as the default on my PC?

Google has established itself as the benchmark for Internet search thanks to its advanced algorithms and ability to deliver relevant results. However, some browsers offer other default engines that require manual configuration to switch to Google. In this guide, we’ll explain how to make this switch on various browsers for each of them. This way, you’ll be able to find Google’s relevance, whatever tool you use to browse the web.

Chrome: Set Google as default search engine

Google Chrome offers several search engines by default, but some users may find that their browser uses Bing, Qwant or another engine that doesn’t match their preferences. Fortunately, this setting can be changed in a few simple steps. This step-by-step guide shows you how to set Google as your default search engine on Google Chrome.

  1. Launch Google Chrome on your computer.
  2. Click on the three-dot menu at the top right of the window to open the options menu.
Users must click on Settings to access search engine management.
Users must click on Settings to access search engine management.
  1. From the drop-down menu, select Settings.
  2. In the settings page, locate the left-hand section and click on Search engine.
The Search engine section lets you manage which service is used by default.
The Search engine section lets you manage which service is used by default.
  1. Once in the search engine parameters, check which engine is currently selected. In this example, it’s Qwant.
  2. Click on the Modify button to display the list of available engines.
the defined search engine will be used for the address bar and other functions
The defined search engine will be used for the address bar and other functions
  1. A window opens with a list of available search engines (Qwant, Bing, Ecosia, DuckDuckGo, etc.).
  2. Search for Google in the list and select it.
List of popular search engines offered by Chrome.
List of popular search engines that Chrome automatically suggests.
  1. Click Set as default to save the change.
  2. Close the settings and search from Chrome’s address bar.
Search results displayed correctly on Google
The search results are displayed correctly on Google.

Microsoft Edge: Set Google as default search engine

Microsoft Edge uses Bing as its default search engine, but it can be replaced by Google in a few simple steps. This guide explains how to make the switch so that your address bar searches are performed via Google.

  1. Open Microsoft Edge.
  2. Click on the three-dot menu at the top right of the window.
List of settings and options for Microsoft's Edge browser.
Microsoft Edge’s main menu, accessible via the three vertical dots at top right
  1. From the drop-down menu, select Settings.
  2. From the Settings menu, select Privacy, Search and Services.
The Settings side menu with the Privacy, Search and Services section.
  1. Scroll down the page to the Address bar and Search section (at the very bottom) and click on it.
  1. Once in Address bar and Search, locate the Search engine used option in the address bar.
  2. Click on the drop-down menu to display the available engines.
Microsoft Edge: Set Google as default search engine
Microsoft Edge uses Bing as its default search engine.
  1. Select Google instead of Bing.
  2. Close the settings and search directly in the Microsoft Edge address bar.
Results are now displayed on Google rather than Bing.

Mozilla Firefox : Set Google as default search engine

Mozilla Firefox lets users choose their preferred search engine. By default, it can be set to Bing or another engine, but you can easily replace it with Google. Here’s how to do it in a few simple steps.

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Click on the three-bar menu at the top right of the window.
Firefox main menu, accessible via the three horizontal bars at top right
Firefox’s main menu, accessible via the three horizontal bars at top right.
  1. From the drop-down menu, select Settings.
  2. In the Settings left-hand side menu, click on Search.
search engine parameters
Direct access to search engine parameters.
  1. This section lets you manage the available search engines and select the default one.
  2. In the Default search engine section, click on the drop-down menu displaying the available search engines.
Firefox Google set as default
You can simply select Google to set it as default.
  1. Select Google from the available options.
  2. The change is effective immediately, and Firefox will now use Google for all address bar searches.
  3. Close the settings and search directly in Firefox’s address bar.
The search results do appear on Google.

Brave: Set Google as default search engine

Brave is a privacy-first browser, with its own search engine (Brave Search) by default. However, if you prefer Google, you can easily set it as your primary search engine. Here’s how.

  1. Open Brave.
  2. Click on the three-dash menu at the top right of the window.
Brave’s main menu, accessible via the three horizontal lines at top right.
  1. From the drop-down menu, select Settings.
  2. In the left-hand column, click on Search engine.
Direct access to search engine parameters
Direct access to Brave’s search engine parameters.
  1. This section lets you manage search engines and select the default one.
  2. In the Search engine section of the address bar, click on Modify.
Brave Search is set as the default search engine for normal and private browsing.
Brave Search is set as the default search engine for normal and private browsing.
  1. By default, Brave uses its own search engine.
  2. A window opens with a list of search engines.
  3. Select Google from the list.
The Set as default button immediately applies the change.
The Set as default button immediately applies the change.
  1. Click Set as default to save the change.
  2. Close the settings and search Brave’s address bar.
Results are now displayed on Google instead of the Brave search engine.
Results are now displayed on Google instead of the Brave search engine.

Opera : Set Google as default search engine

Opera is a customizable browser that lets users choose their preferred search engine.

  1. Open Opera.
  2. Click on the three-dash menu at the top right of the window.
Opera's main menu, accessible via the three dashes at top right.
Opera’s main menu, accessible via the three dashes at top right.
  1. Scroll down the menu and select Access full browser settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Search Engine section.
Access to Opera browser settings via the left-hand side menu.
  1. Click on Modify next to the currently defined search engine (Bing).
  2. A window opens displaying a list of search engines.
  3. Select Google Search from the available options.
Set Opera as the default browser
  1. Click Set as default to confirm the change.
  2. Close the settings and search directly in Opera’s address bar.
The results are displayed correctly on Google.

Safari: Setting a default search engine on the Mac

Safari is the default web browser on macOS and generally uses Google as its search engine. However, if your browser is set to another engine (Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia), you can change this setting with a few clicks.

  1. Launch Safari on your Mac.
  2. Click on Safari in the menu bar at the top left of the screen.
Access Safari settings by clicking on Settings...
  1. Select Settings… to open the browser settings.
  2. In the Safari settings window, click on the Search tab.
  3. In the Search engine section, click on the drop-down menu.
  4. Then select the search engine of your choice from :
  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • Bing
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Ecosia
define a search engine for Safari browsing.
You can also define a different search engine for private browsing on Safari.

Now you can be sure that all your searches will be carried out by the engine of your choice.

How do I add a search engine manually?

If a search engine such as Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo or Ecosia has disappeared from your browser’s list, you can add it manually by following these general steps:

  1. Open your browser.
  2. Go to Settings (often accessible via a menu ☰ or ⋮ ).
  3. Look for Search engines or Manage search engines.
  4. Click on Add a search engine.
  5. Fill in the following fields with the information for the desired engine:
EngineName to enterKeywordSearch URL
  1. Once added, search for it in the list.
  2. Click on Set as default.
How do I change my Google search settings?

To get results from Google every time you search, set it as your default search engine in your browser settings. Go to Settings, select Search Engine and then choose Google.

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