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Uninstalling preinstalled applications on Windows 11/10 - Bloatware

Uninstalling preinstalled applications on Windows 11/10 – Bloatware

Have you just installed Windows 11 and already noticed that your system is cluttered with unnecessary preinstalled applications? This bloatware can slow down your computer and take up unnecessary space. In this article, I’ll show you how to uninstall this bloatware in a single command and reinstall it if necessary using PowerShell.

Important information

  • Windows comes with applications you’ll probably never use.
  • You can disable some of these applications manually or using PowerShell.
  • System-critical applications can be reinstalled using PowerShell.

What is bloatware?

Bloatware is software pre-installed on a device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) that is often useless to the user or adds little value in relation to real needs. The term comes from the English words bloat and software, suggesting that it weighs down the system by needlessly occupying resources (storage space, RAM, processor).

  1. Pre-installation: Usually installed by the manufacturer or operator before the user receives the device.
  2. Difficult to uninstall: Some bloatware cannot be easily removed without advanced manipulation.
  3. Resource consumption: They can consume system resources (RAM, CPU) even when not actively used.
  4. Advertising in disguise: Some bloatware is trialware or sponsored applications.

Uninstall bloatware manually

Use the keyboard shortcut Win + I to open the settings directly.

Click on Applications in the left-hand menu.

Uninstalling preinstalled applications on Windows 11

Then select Installed applications.

To uninstall an application, click on the three dots (“…” icon) to the right of its name, then select Uninstall.

Uninstall Windows Bloatware Application

To take things a step further, use PowerShell to uninstall unnecessary applications and free up even more resources. 👇

Remove preinstalled applications on Windows 11 with PowerShell

To further optimize your system, you can use PowerShell to remove pre-installed applications (bloatware) that you don’t use. This method is ideal for removing applications that cannot be uninstalled via settings.

Start by opening PowerShell in administrator mode.

Use the following command to display installed applications:

list UWP applications Windows powershell Get-AppxPackage
List UWP applications installed on Windows with PowerShell

Once the application has been identified, use this command to delete it:

Get-AppxPackage *ApplicationName* | Remove-AppxPackage

List of PowerShell commands for uninstalling UPW applications one by one.

XboxGet-AppxPackage *xboxapp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Microsoft StoreGet-AppxPackage *windowsstore* | Remove-AppxPackage
TeamsGet-AppxPackage *MicrosoftTeams* | Remove-AppxPackage
OneDriveGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.OneDriveSync* | Remove-AppxPackage
SkypeGet-AppxPackage *skypeapp* | Remove-AppxPackage
PhotosGet-AppxPackage *photos* | Remove-AppxPackage
OneNoteGet-AppxPackage *onenote* | Remove-AppxPackage
CalculatorGet-AppxPackage *windowscalculator* | Remove-AppxPackage
Calendar and MailGet-AppxPackage *windowscommunicationsapps* | Remove-AppxPackage
Alarms and ClockGet-AppxPackage *windowsalarms* | Remove-AppxPackage
Voice recorderGet-AppxPackage *soundrecorder* | Remove-AppxPackage
Movies & TV seriesGet-AppxPackage *zunevideo* | Remove-AppxPackage
Groove MusicGet-AppxPackage *zunemusic* | Remove-AppxPackage
GamesGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.GamingApp* | Remove-AppxPackage
FinanceGet-AppxPackage *bingfinance* | Remove-AppxPackage
WeatherGet-AppxPackage *bingweather* | Remove-AppxPackage
ContactsGet-AppxPackage *people* | Remove-AppxPackage
3D BuilderGet-AppxPackage *3dbuilder* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get OfficeGet-AppxPackage *officehub* | Remove-AppxPackage
Virtual realityGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal* | Remove-AppxPackage
ScannersGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsScan* | Remove-AppxPackage
3D viewersGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer* | Remove-AppxPackage
Your phoneGet-AppxPackage Microsoft.YourPhone -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage
PaintGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.Paint* | Remove-AppxPackage
Think SillyGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes* | Remove-AppxPackage
Screen capture toolsGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.ScreenSketch* | Remove-AppxPackage
NotepadGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.Notepad* | Remove-AppxPackage
3D printingGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.Print3D* | Remove-AppxPackage
Hub and commentsGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get helpGet-AppxPackage *Microsoft.GetHelp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Phone CompanionGet-AppxPackage *windowsphone* | Remove-AppxPackage

What bloatware is preinstalled on Windows 11?

FarmVille 2 Country EscapeShazamFlipboardActiproSoftware
Bio EnrollmentApp connectorMicrosoft Pense BêtesMicrosoft Office Hub
Microsoft Solitaire CollectionCyberLink MediaSuite EssentialsDrawboardPDFDuolingo
EclipseManagerMSN MoneyMSN SportsMSN Travel
MSN WeatherFood And DrinkHealth And FitnessMicrosoft News
Contact supportWindows FeedbackWindows communications appsWindows Reading List
Windows CameraiHeartRadioKing appsMarch of Empires
MessagingMicrosoft EdgeOneConnectOneNote
Office SwayOutlookPandoraPeople
PicsArt-PhotoStudioPhototastic CollagePower AutomateRoyal Revolt 2
Sound RecorderSkype for DesktopNetwork speed testTwitter
TuneInRadioYour PhoneXboxXbox Game Bar
Xbox LiveZune MusicZune VideoNYT Crossword
Get startedCopilot

Find out how to disable unnecessary services in Windows 11.

How do I reinstall all critical applications under Windows 11?

If, after uninstallation, you wish to reinstall all the preinstalled applications, here is the reverse command:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)AppxManifest.xml"}

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